From the very beginning Avatarism was no ordinary transmission of platitudes and attitudes. It is an unusual, unique and transformative game. It’s a game we are already playing and so without very little effort this could be a worldwide circle of upholding. A circle based on a common desire to deliver ourselves from ordinary existence into an extraordinary one. We use our will and creativity to begin to design ourselves away from the degenerate programming that we copied but did not wholly choose . We use the power of our word to focus our magnetism and carry our message of passion, wonder, constant character creation and radical self love out to the world. 
We fulfill our secret promise to our hidden self and celebrate our victories. 
We speak the language of our hearts to the world and we are rewarded for our clarity of vision.

Avatarism invites you to…

Make a break with convention and see yourself…Perfect…whole…
complete…and ready for more.

Accept the role of the action hero in a choose your own adventure universe… See yourself as the center of the mandala…the gift that the universe is giving itself.

It’s you!!!!

The first step is to realize that you have the power! (not some invisible, pretend hope of a power) but A real and tangible spiritual energy that has the ability to charge you up, too move you and to transform you. Try this…..

Take a deep slow breath in…
Say “yes!”
Take another breath…
Say (a little louder) “I’m in!”
Take a third deeper breath 
Smile big!
and say louder..

(Keep breathing and smiling) The feeling you have right now is the entry way into a more complex and richly appointed embodiment. You can conjure peace, passion and confidence You can allow your own spiritual energy to embolden you and uplevel you. You have the power to do things you’ve never done before. All it takes is that first step. What’s the first step? Tell us who you are creating yourself to be and we will uphold you! Open your eyes. Be a player. Smile at strangers. Play the game. Friends are everywhere. Onward and upwards!
Forever endeavor! Believe in it! Be livin’ it

Alexander Polinsky
Founder of Avatarism
