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Avatarism Rant

Avatarism Presents: Self-Transmogrification, Part 1


Avatarism Presents: Self-Transmogrification, Part 1



1. transform, esp. in a surprising or magical manner.

It is a well known fact of life that success does not necessarily bring happiness. Many of us good people find that even as we make money, build families, and acheive important milestones in life, there is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction with what we have done and who we’ve become. 

After starring in a hit Television show and being featured in all the teen magazines as a young man, many of my peers thought I had it all. The car, the house, the girl, the career. That was a stark contrast to how I felt inside. I was a walking, talking bundle of confusion.  All of that success at such a young age gave me bravado, a kind of confidence, sure, but no wisdom. I found myself in a spiral of consumerism and depression. I really thought that my success could buy my happiness some way somehow and so I threw money at my sadness, and prescription drugs at my mind. None of this seemed to help until i pulled the cord, got off the bus, and began a process of fierce self-examination and self-transmogrification.

With so many people on the earth and so much information available to us, there seems to be widespread confusion as to where we should point our spiritual/philosophical compasses. So we freeze, hold on to old ideals or the ones given to us by so called popular experts who are spewing the same old data that the establishment approves. As I see it, this leads to mass homogenization of ideas, creates a culture of mundane personalities, and fosters a stagnate, bobble-headed, self hating population. 

So I say this to you…….

In the event of stagnation and self hatred 

Pull the cord

If bad dreams and regrets are on the bus with you as you ride through life

pull the cord

When you get tired of your twisting, turning and confusing view of the wicked world

Pull the cord

when you get bored and unhappy with your life, unsatisfied with your character, sick of your mission (or lack thereof), and when you finally wipe the screen clean of all the illusion that something or someone is to blame….

You find that the answer is not anywhere out there

The cord is within

I like to think about archetypes as role models, new skill sets as vehicles, and fantasy characters as transforming influencers because they have worked that way for us as long as we have been here. 

Character traits of masters, skill sets of Jedis, the personality of the winner. Have you tried them on?

Not cosmetic or superfluous, these self defined parameters or character altering mutagens run as deep as you let them. If you let them. So, get it in!

Jesus was trying to say he was god, we are all god, or sons and daughters of god. If you let this idea into your heart/mind and let it take root there in a non egomaniacal way, what changes will occur?

If you take the teachings of Buddha and use them to alter your consciousness for good, what new skills will you learn and who will you become?

If you want to be Batman, or Indiana Jones, or Luke Skywalker, or Rainbow Bright, or even some custom hybrid of Kermit the frog and Jim Morrison…..What will these characters bring to your life once they have been embodied?

Speaking as one who has been transformed from this kind of embodiment I can say that it is both easy and difficult. Easy to start and difficult to describe. Easy to embody and hard to forget once tried. Easy to begin and difficult to master.  If you undertake to up level your character, you may never be the same again. 

I began slowly, collecting people and experiences. I would meet a great person or come up against a great idea and I would let myself get excited. Suspending my disbelief that there was any separation between me and this great new thing helped me to remember that wisdom is alive.

Because of my background in acting It may be easier for me than others, but as an acting teacher I have seen novices take to this skill with lightning speed. Avatarism is the game of embodiment and we have been playing this game forever so don’t worry to much about it, and don’t push it. Let it happen. Want it, and reach for it, but be kind to yourself in the beginning. Remember that it’s important, not serious and all new things can seem odd or fake, till they don’t.

All of us humans copied our parents and our friends when our personalities were forming. We lived through movies, TV shows, comics, and books. We played games and had intense fantasy lives in the forests and on the playgrounds. Remember the feeling of elastic mindedness when you were young? It’s still there, even if it’s been dormant for years. There is no age limit on brain plasticity as science has shown us. Myelin is the stuff in your brain that can build new pathways for your entire lifetime so “no excuses please." 

We all share the same current of excitement when we experience something new that lights us on fire, and rekindles our thirst for life. Avatarism is simple, fun to try and furthermore this game is ageless and without borders. 

As you transform yourself piece by piece, you walk through the fire of self doubt and in the process, burn away old notions of who and what you were. 

The allegory of the phoenix is a story that has survived the ages because of the basic human need to transform. This urge is omnipresent in all of us. We all can be this bird of fire, and raise ourselves up.

From the ashes and the old character rises the new and renewed person. 

The alchemical myth of turning base metal into gold is an ancient story that has enraptured many great minds. Foolish men have wasted countless hours and innumerable years trying to accomplish this feat, and have gone mad trying to do so. The task is never meant to be accomplished for real for it is actually a spiritual code, not a chemical process. 

The base metal is you.

The alchemical secret is the transformation of your base and unexamined self into spiritual gold. Through rigorous and conscious self examination you may create yourself in any way you wish. With the focus of an alchemist you may transform any and all of your base character traits away from the flawed and degenerate programs that you may not have wholly chosen, to a more crafted version of yourself. A more workable and refined character, rarified, and made more valuable to all.

Pull the cord

This human body/spaceship is upgradable. Our minds are programable.  Who doesn’t want to exchange the ingrained, unworkable, and tired aspects of their character for more free, harmonious and pleasurable ones. 

Rather than getting mired in some stringent religious order, losing all originality in a cult, or destroying your sense of self with new age blather, speedy weekend warrior workshops or invasive therapies why not design your character from your own ideas of the perfect person. Why not collect the best that your surroundings have to offer. 

Whatever you choose to transform yourself with, let it be excellent. Let your choices be about your own best and highest vision you have for yourself. Let it take you towards the goal of ultimate victory for yourself first, and then for all life on Earth. 

You are your own highest priority. Without you in working order, we benefit little. 

I have an idea that if we all were acting and embodying our highest visions for ourselves, we would have a chance at fixing the problems of the world.  An army of realized avatars and superheroes bent on saving the world, now theres a idea.  People in fear usually make fearful choices, short sighted choices, choices that are designed to flee from fear…..not fix the system.

iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

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#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Make It Real


Avatarism Presents: Make It Real

There is no sense in calling yourself a ninja if you possess no throwing stars, no black suit, no claw gloves, and have had no ninja training at all. Calling yourself batman-like is worthless unless you can embody some Batman qualities. Learn a kick, a flip, make a cloak and patrol the hood, do something to make it real.

The day I landed the role of a wwII medic I freaked out because I had no idea what that lifestyle was like. I can’t go back in time and see, so I called a wwII vet who was a medic. He said his job was like being a truck mechanic for humans. That was it, I played a truck mechanic who is forced to heal soldiers on the battlefield. That piece of info was the one thing I needed to make it real. After that, I just knew who this guy was. Deeper mastery takes deeper inquiry. The path to making embodied avatars, mastering skill sets, and creating program changes lies in how you choose to make it real. 

Tell us what you want to do. Tell us who you want to be. We will uphold you as your highest vision you have for yourself. Together we will uplevel and find mastery.

Yes, love.
iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents: “inward gaze”


Avatarism presents: “inward gaze”

One of my closest friends, Dan Gordon Levitt, died a few days before my birthday in 2010. I was about to leave town to act in a film and the last thing I did before I left was go to his funeral.  We were the same age, in a band together, performed and traveled together, and we had many plans for the future, Avatarism and teaching workshops being one of the things that we were most excited about. I didn’t really have time to grieve, or be with my friends, because I had to leave town. 

I arrived in Oregon, at the house of the director, a raw nerve, emotionally spent, and missing my friend. Add to that my girlfriend in LA was having a meltdown and needed my attention and wham! Production starts and I get hit with 12 pages of dialogue to have memorized by morning. Overload. I am a professional so I did my due diligence and memorized my pages in a few hours, contained the girlfriend situation, and tried to relax and sleep. Not much luck. The director’s style of working was highly improvisational so this added to the stress of the coming days. Things were worsened when the art director failed to meet expectations and I was party to a lot of yelling and growling about “sabotage,” and “Mutiny,” it was intense.

It was recommended that I go have a soak in the thermal pools of the Ashland Wellsprings to unwind. Later I had a tarot reading from a friend whom I had allowed to look deep within me. She is a light worker, and healer of the deep and dark places.  She advised me to seek the space within myself, my yin to my outer yang. She recommended that I go talk to the spirit of Nature and go deep.  

The Goddess Temple of Ashland was built on the bank of a hot stream, off the main road to Ashland Oregon. Down a dirt road, past a garden in the shape of the tree of life, A perfect white dome with an inviting fire, beautiful crystals, and a Priestess holding the space for sacred use. This shrine sits on ancient tribal land that for twenty thousand years was a birthing site and neutral ground in times of war. Women could come here from all tribes and have their baby in the warm stream, and be safe from attack and meetings could take place among tribes in conflict.

I visited this ancient sacred site daily for a month, maybe a bit longer actually. I would walk the dirt path, take off my shoes, enter the dome and sit on beautiful carpets,  before an altar of bones, crystals, sage, an eagle’s wing and other ritual objects. From there you can see thru a huge window that looks straight up a slope, drenched in greenery at the foot of which runs the hot river.

I brought my stress of city life and my disconnection from nature, my longing to be with nature. I cried for my friend Dan, my loss of direction, and dissatisfaction with city life. I gave myself over to the experience of being spiritually naked, holding back no emotion. I played a didgeridoo (an ancient Australian wind instrument).

I offered myself to the spirit of nature, so she  would make me a tool for good use. I asked her to show me the inside of myself, illuminate the drives behind the desires, and when I asked this, a wave of emotional energy came over me. My body began to feel an immense and rocking sadness, but I noticed my observing mind was high up in the background watching and feeling very relaxed and happy.

It was like I was being destroyed, my personality pulverized by the embodiment of raw, natural, truth. I felt great relief like an ending had come. The death of my friend, the shattering of personal illusions about mortality,  about the state of this earth and its inhabitants, and about my work in the world.

I wept at the feet of the spirit for 30 days

Many arms held me and many hearts gave me counsel

Many cups of tea warmed me, and many leaves of sage burned for my words to be taken on the wind 

Journey to the holy site every day

Offering music 

speaking to spirit, 

asking of spirit

listening to the subtle answer

accepting the gift


resting and drinking tea

dramatic ritual

gaze inward and see what you find.

Be livin’ it,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

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Avatarism presents: “Black Magic Troll”


Avatarism presents: “Black Magic Troll”

Trolls abound in the world of the inter webs. A troll is a person, who sits at their little screen, and makes comments that disturb, bother, inflict, cause harm, and generally vent the ugly mood of the writer to the world. I got one such comment today on my youtube channel. I was so taken aback by the anonymous trolling, that I looked into this person’s comment history and found that he was spreading hate speech all over the site. Attacking people who go to the Rainbow Gathering festival. His comments ranged from rude, to outright violent even so far as wishing death on the people of this group.

The Rainbow is a peaceful nomadic event that occupies a forrest on July 4th and prays for world peace. I have been to this event and call it one of my home away from homes. I was deeply angered by this person’s attacks and decided to report him to youtube as a source of hate speech. I could have left it at that, but I went on to condemn him personally, and use my creative powers of drama to try to destroy part of his joy as well. I saw on his site that, as he was handing out hate, he was also very into The Doors and the Grateful Dead. A music lover. I have invoked the power of Jim Morrison many times in my personal magic and I count Jim as one of my guides.

I told this Troll in a private message that I was related to Jim Morrison, and Jim would have hated him and all he stood for. I asked this Troll to remember how much Jim would have hated him every time he hears the Doors music. I crossed the line. The power of music is sacred to me and I am ashamed to admit that I tried to use this power against him. I felt a surge of hate and vengeance. Then I felt like an asshole.

I tried to sleep, but my head and back became very hot and I felt like I was sleeping by an oven. I kept having hot flashes like this until I came to the conclusion that I had made a grave mistake. Using my powers for black magic is never ok. I felt justified in defending my Rainbow family that has given me so much, but nothing is worth the pain and suffering of another being. I went to my computer hours later and messaged the Troll again. This time I told him I was a liar, I was not related to Jim. I asked his forgiveness and I pleaded with him to give up the campaign of hate. I asked him to inquire of his ancestors for guidance, and I asked him to find his way back home to happiness, health, and healing. 

Black magic is any word, deed, action, or intonation that creates fear, pain, or dread. Black magic works, it works well. But if you are a worker of will, and practice black magic, that same magic will be visited upon your head tenfold. The classic picture of a witch as a haggard, ugly, hag is an accurate picture of what happens when you make your life around black magic. 

Since I am guilty of black magic, I will ask that you learn a lesson from me, do not practice your will in dark circles. As with any good circle, it’ll come right around and bite you in the ass. 

Your word is your wand. Wield your power with love, respect, and forethought. Or suffer at your own hand. 

- Alexander Polinshy

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents: “Be a meme-generator”


Avatarism presents: “Be a meme-generator”

Last night in my bedroom in Hollywood, I heard a bird going through his mating call, in what seemed like an endless, non repeating, stream of car alarm chirps and siren sounds that reflect the dense urban area I live in. Birds are impacted by the sound-stream around them. The bird has no choice but to copy. It has been observed that monkeys, crows, and all sorts of other sentient life can pass memes to one another. This means, from humans on down, culture is behavior, and behavior is modifiable.

Our “always on and recording,” brain may not distinguish the difference between what we say and what we hear. It copies and files both. So we may understand that the subconscious must collect and assign importance to the more intense, or more oft repeated phrases or happenings,  whatever they might be. 

Be a mind-full of possibilities for the highest good. Fill your mind with self created memes of good will toward self.

“Choose wisely, for the memes we create…. reverberate.”-iRev

Just think of how many ideas and suggestions are thrown at you from people places and things, billboards, internet radio and tv memes, add to that, the ones we repeat in our heads…..we need a little more conscious self meme-ing to balance it all  out.

The word, is the wand.

To meme yourself can be powerful, transformational, linguistic magic. Focus on your intention, solidify that intention with dramatic ritual, meme the F*ck outta yourself, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

“Intention can look like action, but look closer. Intention has no action, only tension.”

-Alexander Polinsky 2012

Loving you,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents, Personal history and face reading


Avatarism presents, Personal history and face reading

We are all alone in our skin. However much we try to be known by others, they can never truly know us.


I don’t have any memories of my parents being together except one. I remember being in my house and getting the idea to have my parents surprise each other. First I went to my dad and told him in my four year old way, that he should sneak up and scare mommy, then I told mom to scare Dad. My Mom was making dinner and Dad responded to my idea with a quip “what are you trying to pull here Alexander.” Immediately I felt defeat, it may be the first time I had ever felt it. Possibly I felt their relationship breaking up, I wanted them to reconnect, and that is the only thing I could think of to get them back in harmony. In any case that’s the only memory I have of my parents together as a family. That’s the day I woke up.

Waking up is hard to do

I decided that I didn’t know what anyone was gong to do (least of all my parents whom I knew better then anyone), and so I better get really good at observing people because their actions seemed to affect my life, big time. I watched faces and eyes, I could see when people were hiding things. Not little things like white lies, but big things, life issues, deep problems and regret.  I began to see these broadcast across peoples faces even when they think they are being subtle or stoic. It has been a strange and confronting 33 years from there. Being so observant of faces. I am flooded with data at places like the supermarket, a concert, or festival. If I am passive, and not judging, I can watch people for hours and not get bored. Sometimes though, in heavily populated areas it can be too much. 

If I find someone who has really good control over their facial expressions and I can’t tell what they are thinking, it has a calming effect on me for a while. “Great!” I think, here is someone like me who can morph and alter feelings according to the situation, a social chameleon, an emotional adept, or enlightened creature. But this can be a bad thing. People who hide their emotions facially can be trouble. In my case, I can choose to give you no information with my face in order to not burden you with my troubles, or to seem calm when I am freaking out. This skill is important for actors and healers especially.  But for others, its a protection mechanism that is used unconsciously. They may have been through some incredibly horrible things and have lost their contact with their emotions because it’s to painful to go in and experience much of anything anymore. There may be counter intentions that they are hiding or emotions that would give them away if they did emote, so they cover the emotion/lie/or fear and do not give the information that usually would be appropriate.

Why do I write this now, honestly I don’t know. Maybe I want to know if I am alone in this art of facial reading.

Loving you,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Being Imperfect In Relationships


Avatarism Presents: Being Imperfect In Relationships

I realize I am human. Part of the organic makeup of this universe. I am highly specialized for thought, action, and reaction. I am not “THE god,” just one of the many living manifestations of the godhead in action on this platform. I am capable of intense goodness and great evil. I must be in accord with my prime directive if I want to keep my head and do good in the world. 

I aim to be excellent in my actions and reactions, I measure, I stop, look, and listen to the moment I am about to create and use my super awesomeness instead of my reactionary blowhard. This is how I keep myself free of actions that need apology. And, I am not perfect.

If you are in a relationship and you love with a fierce and dedicated heart as I do, you may know what problems can come up. If there is misunderstanding, imbalance, or infidelity, then mistrust can lead to a special kind of emotional stress. The danger feeling, the “not friend,” feeling, dire and painful feelings come up. Sit with them for a moment and see what you are creating, what is real, and what is false. One of the hardest things about loving, is letting go of judgement. In this brave new world of many choices, we are taught by the media that the newest thing, the latest fad, or the new person might be better than what we have now. But every new technology, fad, or person brings a whole new universe of needs, learning curves, and curve balls. 

I understand that my relationship is so important to me that I feel sometimes I could kill whomever gets in the way. No one is gonna take her from me! This is where my ethics come in and save me from taking revenge on the other man. I have the cognitive ability to assess the weakness in the offending body and destroy him with a counter strike of such tactical perfection that he wouldn’t know what hit him. The destruction of his business, his family life, his character, and his inevitable deportation from the country. WHOA! I am a powerfully dark wizard if I set my mind to it. 


If my lover wants to leave me, cheat, or be with someone else, I have to understand that is her choice, her adventure. I have to confront that it might be the end of our relationship, or the lesson that brings us closer.  As Dan Levitt used to say, I can’t have the person who loves me tell me no. We must allow our lovers and friends their path to their own bliss and up-leveling. I will not give into revenge or retribution unless my life is threatened. I will take myself out for ice cream instead. I will up-level my skill set to increase my own magnetism instead of worrying about what may happen. I refuse to live in uncertainty and pain. 

Be kind to yourself and make friends with your pain. Smooth the frayed edges with actions of kindness, fierce introspection, and a spirit good natured inflexibility when it comes to your happiness.

I am a soldier for the cause of my personal truth. I am the Knight of air, on a flying horse, high above the mundane problems of men. I am a living god, conscious of my power, able to re-program myself, and change my brain. I am. I breathe. I love. I let go.

Do not doubt your power to re-program the parts of your bio-computer that malfunction or do not serve your highest vision of yourself. Take care in the fermentation of your character, build it well, and in the final judgement, we will feel satisfied and ready for the next adventure.


iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold





I am interested in how we all develop our character.

Is it a willy nilly random process?

Have we been fermenting our own individualized culture skillfully? Have we tried to break our patterns only to find that we get attacked by the people that “know,” us.

I am looking into the depth of control that the media, parents, friends/enemies and others, exert on us to keep us “safe,” and not threatening to the herd. 

Where did our past learning lead us? Have we come to a present moment where drama, anxiety, and judgment rule our lives? 

How long can we/are we willing to stay in that hell?

I have seen that there are choices, so many choices that there might be confusion as to which paths/skills/roads to use, and copy for use on this platform.

Have we copied some degenerate, non-ideal, not wholly chosen programs?

I am curious how the web of information lands on each one of us. Do we accept the infostream without due process?

Are we walking/talking robots in a sort of self induced hypnosis?  

Are we affected by everything to such an extent that we need drugs and simple minded/shocking entertainment to distract us from the painful reality that EVERYTHING IS WITHIN OUR GRASP.

Does new data turn on the fear circuits, or activate excitement? Are you neophillic or neophobic? Do you know?

Did we become the person we are now because of some accidental collision of fear evasion and pleasure seeking?



I say fuck the fucking fuckers! Recede from the info cascade of TV/TALK RADIO/POP MAGAZINES/POP PSYCHOLOGY/ AND FAST FOOD CULTURE.


We have only so much time left before the sun explodes. 

We can begin to craft our character as more brilliant, powerful, and free than we ever thought possible.

“YOU can be the SUPERHERO of your childhood fantasy. WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. " - Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism may be the game that finally PLAYS us out of the fallacy that "people cannot change." 


Any self limiting, negative concept, phrase, or mantra that pops into your head can be labeled SYSTEMIC BLACK MAGIC. These programs should be immediately refuted, reprogrammed, and made impotent with the power of AVATARISTIC META-PROGRAMMING.


(or any contrary action you can devise to squash the demons)

Decide continually who you want to be, what skills to collect, and let us help you implement them by the process of SHARING AND UPHOLDING. 

You tell me who you want to be, who you really are beneath all the former degenerate programming, and when you need it most, I will remind you. 

No more returning to the baseline of survival or mere stasis, but continually returning to the ideal that you have designed for yourself, and wish for yourself in your best and most powerful moments.

No need to start over from scratch, lifting yourself up from the scum on the street. We can begin from self love, brilliant skill, and a strong sense of purpose upheld by the other Avatars we uphold in turn.

Its a Victorious cycle, not a vicious one. Finally!!!!

Love and discovery,

Alexander Polinsky


Avatarism presents, on the road to happiness….


Avatarism presents, on the road to happiness….


where you could,

Stop….listen….and integrate,

through will, magic,

or meditation, 

and change your operating system.

let all your notions about yourself dissolve, transcend the monologue of the super villain in your mind, stop worrying about possible future outcomes, and take back your power effortlessly.

If you have a super villain voice inside that talks shit to you, then that means you have to acknowledge that there are two people talking here!

Which one do you want to listen to?

Your voice, your speaking voice, the one that comes from your own mouth, that’s the real one. Let that voice come to your aid in times of peril, or rampant inward shit talking.

“You might be crazy if you talk to yourself, but you’re fucking insane if you talk shit to yourself.” - Alexander Polinsky

The game of Avatarism is a way to strengthen character, ferment character, build character. Nothing can be built if the inward bastard has the floor. Unhorse that a-hole with a clear, and loud comunication.

Something like these…

NO! Stop! I have the helm! This life is for living in happiness and harmony! You shut it! Hey buddy, stop with the B.S. This is how it’s gonna go……I am a living manifestation of the godhead in action, meant to create beauty,uphold myself and others in the game. ZIP IT! Get back. Jump back, kiss myself! Hot Pants! This is the prime directive……..


No matter what phrase you use to pattern interrupt yourself, DO IT, START IT, PERFECT IT. 

Life will become easier, more creative, and you will be more accepting of others and their B.S.

All in,

Alexander Polinsky



Avatarism presents, dance your ass off and everyone dances with you.

I want to use this body for a thousand things till I cant use it no more.

I want to love what my body can do

I train my body and give it attention.

I let go

and remember my teachers and wise friends.

Dan has been gone almost a year.

I still miss him. 

I emulate him, burn his words and love into my memory.

I choose freedom of action and fearless dedication to up-leveling.

I will not be blocked from my mission. 

The road is cleared by my intention.

To be the best and most excellent I can be.

actor, artist, musician, gardner, lover, shaman, living manifestation of god(dess)

I can enter any door, I can have any gift, I can manifest any opportunity.

All my needs are met, I am cared for by the richness of my character and my rightful place in Nature.

No one may take my power from me, I transmute pain, regret, betrayal, loss, death, and failure, into art, beauty, understanding, and love.

my voice is my magic wand, I speak the words of power and they uphold me.

I use this body, this time on earth, to live fully, uncovering the mysteries, and learning the language of love.

So I may love, no matter what!


Avatarism is a game of up leveling character through embodiment of skills, archetypes, lifestyles, costumes, aphorisms, and idiosyncrasies. Through Avatarism I found divine frivolity, sexiness, confidence, acceptance, fame, and love. I also found that everything is changeable. If the point is to dance, then change is the dance. Changeability with swiftness and grace. I wish you to be and embody the best collection of data and programs that you can collect, manifest, and apply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Be good art,

Alexander Polinshy
