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Avatarism 101

Avatarism Presents: The Definition of Avatarism, Part 2

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Avatarism Presents: The Definition of Avatarism, Part 2

What can Avatarism do for society?

Look deep within yourself at the dreams and hopes that you have failed to put into action as of now. Who would you be if you reversed that pattern and began to embody those dreams with the kind of zeal usually reserved for zealots? How would the remainder of your life be played if you lost your fear? What is keeping you from starting now? If we were all confident and free to enact our dreams in an unashamed way, how fast could we cause change in society?

Wars, protests, and fights change the culture very little and very slowly. But when individuals begin to change the culture from the inside……..a groundswell happens. Because that kind of energy is infectious and viral, the culture moves fast and furious. The revolution is within, this is a revolution of spirit.  So while the patriarchal model of change may be  fight, fight, fight. The Avataristic model is Embody, Up-Level, Uphold. 

EMBODY the highest vision you can create for yourself. Use the Avatar Character Sheet or any other means of design to collect physical, emotional, magical, and wisdom based skill sets. 

UP-LEVEL  your current character away from the mundane and degenerate programs that no longer serve you and that you did not wholly choose.Use focus, study, ritual, emulation of archetypes and role models to impress your nervous system and turn on your deep memory circuits so that you can get the data in for good. 

UPHOLD yourself to your self created  model while communicating  to your tribe, your friends and groups of influence what those changes are. In this way, the people around you can uphold you and remind you of who you are creating yourself to be and not who you have been in the past. 

We don’t need to exert our power upon the world as much as we need to become powerfully inspired and confident individuals. Only from that standpoint can we hope to change the world for good.

You can’t fake a phenomenon.
— -“Burning Dan” Gordon Levitt 1974-2010

Thanks for reading the Avatarism Blog! I sincerely hope we meet soon, down the dusty road, living our dreams in the glorious future. 

Onward and upwards, forever endeavor,

iRev. Alexander Polinsky Founder of Avatarism

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold


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Avatarism Presents: The Definition of Avatarism, Part 1


Avatarism Presents: The Definition of Avatarism, Part 1

Avatarism had its start at the Burning Man festival,  but its roots are deep in the ancient sanskrit idea of “Avatara.” Loosely translated it means gods inhabiting human bodies and walking the earth, but that is a narrow explanation. Avatarism is how a group of people, all over the world, seem to have developed or learned God-like or superhero-like confidence, the ability to accomplish their dreams and goals with ease, and the ability to live out their highly personal vision that they themselves have envisioned. Encouraging and supporting the individual honing of the will through focused play and persistence, and the upholding of others on the journey is at the heart of this movement. Avatarism encourages people to begin to design in great detail, new and carefully chosen skill sets, characteristics, goals, and aspects of themselves. As the game is played, the player crafts a new and richly  embodied personality and finds themselves permanently up-leveled. Seeking and embodying gurus, teachers, archetypes from history and fantasy may be involved; the warrior, the poet, the god Pan, Rainbow Bright, Batman, Buddha, Jesus, James Dean, Kermit The Frog, Kali, Tara, Tesla, Dr. Who, Conan the Barbarian, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Leonardo DiCaprio and Leonardo the Ninja Turtle to name a few. 

The process of skill collection, archetype embodiment and the other ideas that comprise Avatarism don’t have to be taken seriously, but they are important. Avatarism is a dance towards personal excellence more than it is a march towards perfectionism. Avatarism is an open source game/philosophy for people attracted to radically changing themselves away from the current life/brain programs they may be running. We are, all of us, collections of moments and memories wet wired to a heart mind and body. You are not some stoic and frozen being unable to change!  It is your birthright to be changeable and modifiable. 

Avatarism is a great philosophical model for rebellious souls, hardcore gamers, fantasy players, festival goers, hopeless romantics, seekers of truth, lovers of beauty and anyone attracted to the idea that life is a game, meant to be played. The game of conscious character creation is easy to start and hard to stop, Simple to begin and hard to master. Think about how tough it is to change a habit or learn a complicated new skill. Usually people undertake to change themselves for a health reason or to learn a new skill to make more money. While playing the game may correct bad habits, and allow you the confidence to make more money Avatarism is not a means to an end. This game is a life-long pursuit in the direction of the betterment of self,  for the good of self and the rest of mankind. This game has no end. The ongoing goal is to consciously create a personally fermented culture of awesome, and never stop. 

Forever, endeavor!
— -“Burning Dan” Gordon Levitt

Avatarism is the game that we have been playing since the beginning of our history and it is not just a Burning Man or a festival thing. Because we feel free to enact these alternate character traits at these events, there is a powerful and indelible change that happens in individuals when they do. If you decide that you want to play the game, you will experience this too. The change that happens to us when we go to an event and embody our avatar(s)or even just put on a costume and feel the change in ourselves is something the greeks understood long ago. Cosmetics, costumes, cos-play all have their root in the word, Cosmos. The ancients knew that embodiment lead to a kind of cosmic or higher consciousness. 

iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

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#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Role-Playing


Avatarism Presents: Role-Playing

“Avatarism is defined as the degree to which a player projects themselves into a game, rather than playing their prescribed character.”
— Role-Playing University Wiki

If you can embody your own highest vision you have for yourself

If you will up level your physical, emotional, communicational and ethical skill set

And if you decide to uphold others on the path to conscious character creation

What then is then possible?

Avatarism is the game we are already playing

play for what you want.

Get into the action, hero.

iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Find Your Gurus


Avatarism Presents: Find Your Gurus

Anyone who really wants to learn without school has to find other people to learn with and from. That’s the open secret of learning outside of school. It’s a social act. Learning is something we do together. Independent learners are interdependent learners.

Find your gurus, your teachers, your co-conspirators with the skills and philosophies you want to embody, and assimilate with zeal. There is no better, faster, stronger way to up level your character. Seek and you shall find, stay the same and suffer stagnation and living death. 

Be livin’ it

iRev, Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Learning To Speak With Conviction


Avatarism Presents: Learning To Speak With Conviction

If you want to change the world

If you want to make what is true in your heart known to others

and if you want that data to be taken seriously and remembered

Here is some advice

Learn how to communicate to other humans 

Clearly, simply and with conviction

There is a trend among us talking monkeys to use a….

Milk toast?

Half assed?

Limp sausage?

way of speaking about…..

what we really think is important? 


(you’ll get it after you watch the clip)

It may be fear of rejection, or fear or retribution, but as I see it it serves no one to give the greatest linguistic gift you have to give in a mousy and underwhelming fashion with an upward inflection.

I’m not saying yell and strut at people as you elucidate about your wu wu..

But hey….let’s give some thought to how the pearls get cast kids!

This comedian gets it right, and it’s at once hilarious and true.

As I am a reverend of the church of horny/holy/humorous

this guy is gonna get a key to the rectory for sure.

Watch and learn


iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Pleasure Up, Part I


Avatarism Presents: Pleasure Up, Part I

The purpose of playing the game of avatarsism can ultimately be;
Power up
Mindfulness up
Character level up
Pleasure up


the knowledge and certainty that YOU create The place from which your pleasure is coming. You are the generator of your own pleasure.Your pleasure originates with you and nowhere else. No book, no preacher, no guru, no god or master can give you your pleasure.

They can be a key to the garden…

But only you can open the door. 

Conscious character creation can be very pleasurable. Seeking and embodying skills and mindsets that you don’t currently possess may help you progress beyond your current level of self mastery and lead to a significant increase in personal pleasure when you realize you can do and be more that you were.

You are perfect, whole, and ready for more.

When you are in the flow of up leveling, mastering some new aspect of yourself, standing on the edge of your known abilities, and looking into the great wide open space of the possible, that is when our reactions and judgements take a back seat and we can feel the real thrill and pleasure of living.

This is why Avatarism is so much fun for people who are attracted to change. 

If you are made of stone and nothing and no one makes a chip in your façade, you run the risk of becoming stagnant, cold, and losing the ability to discern the great things that my lay right beyond your electric fence. 

Without a wider view of the other paths and avatars available to you for embodiment, your scope of vision both spiritually and mentally remains small.

Open your mind. 

Small minds experience small pleasures.

Expansiveness of mind and expansiveness of self understanding can lead to a larger pleasure circuit. 

Pleasure is your birthright.

No matter what your background is, you experience suffering. We all have pain and anxiety.  All of us humans run old brain programs that keep us from seeing ourselves as ultimately changeable. 

How we view suffering and how we maintain pleasure through suffering is important. 

You can integrate your suffering while creating a new brain program that experiences pleasure while the suffering is occurring. 

Avatarism can be the game that we play as we look for those skills and decide that we can embody them, even as we are suffering. 

Creating yourself in the NOW moment not only buffers the suffering but creates a whole new mindset that is based on what your highest vision of yourself may be, and then says EMBODY IT! 

Using the game of Avatarism to ferment your character in this way can alleviate the suffering and up level you into a whole realm of possibilities that are free from holds, considerations, tightness of mind, and a host of anxieties and preprogrammed fears that are not welcome. 

IRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Is The Game Of Finding Yourself


Avatarism Is The Game Of Finding Yourself

Avatarism is the game of finding yourself.

Who do you want to be, and how can you powerfully create yourself?

There are many characters inside each one of us. Look and see. Dad and mom, friends, movies, books, professors, urges, wins and misfortunes. We are a patchwork quilt of experiences, but many of them, we did not wholly choose. Ask your friends where their views and beliefs came from and you’ll find that most people have consciously collected some ideologies from outside sources and have had others thrust upon them by parents, churches, or groups.

It’s a game - find the best stuff and assimilate it into your character. You are allowed to do this! It’s the best gift we have been given! Being changeable and having the ability to self-program is, hands down, the most effective way to have a happy life. 

What would happen if YOU decided to reprogram yourself?

Could you become smarter, more compassionate, or more successful?

If you could, would you create yourself to be a better leader, lover, manager, or friend?

Can you understand that you and your current state of mind is the only thing stopping you from being the highest vision you have for yourself?

I can’t convince you of this by mere words on a page. You must put away your intellect which says that people cannot change.

Intellects vary wildly, but emotional experience is common. The emotions you feel as you are doing something new, scary, or unfamiliar are wonder, interest, involvement. New neurological pathways are formed as a result of an intense or novel experience, and more lasting memories are created. Your brain is awake and you record the whole experience in deep memory, because your brain has been activated by the excitement, the challenge, and the novelty.

In this “seen it all, done it twice” world, we need a higher level of novelty and a more personal form of motivation to really light us up and get us into a new frame of thinking. The brain can become sluggish if given too much of the same kind of stimulus. In order to impress the nervous system and create new pathways in the brain, we have to engineer awe, fabricate wonder, and mock up interest. We can activate our deep remembering and capacity for brain change by performing transformational Avatarism exercises -

Embodying archetypes and characters

Dramatic ritual 

Tests of courage

Avatar Character Sheets

Avatar experience games

Avatar aphorisms 

Naming ceremony 

We are on the path of creating new and more powerful rituals for ourselves. The part of the brain that creates memories needs stimuli. You cannot sit in your chair, watch TV, eat microwaved foods, and expect to feel as though you’ve lived a full life.

Only through knowing yourself, re-imagining yourself, and honing your own flow, can you see real and lasting changes in your actions and reactions.


The vision map/vision board/ or list of future goals is a sure fire way to overload yourself. Most goal and “to-do” lists are flimsy contracts envisioned with a needy spirit. I have attended many workshops and self help seminars where they get you to promise to do and achieve all these things, and as soon as the workshop ends, you get home and the slipping starts. 

If you create an Avatar Character Sheet and really map out your highest vision for yourself in a fearless and fantastic way, you may begin to live through that vision. You will see with new eyes. Your perception of what is possible will be widened and upleveled. If you tell your closest friends and family members about your new character, you automatically begin to hold yourself accountable and encourage them to uphold your character when you forget who you want to be. You may now achieve the goals and dreams on your epic to-do lists from a standpoint of power.

To fully use the power of attraction, you must first magnetize yourself!

Be livin’ it,

iRev. Alexander Niver Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism Presents: Altar Yourself


Avatarism Presents: Altar Yourself

This picture is of a 6 foot hanging altar to the divine spirit of nature. It has over a hundred computer controlled LEDs that illuminate quartz crystal wands that change color, set into a glowing maze of Oregonian mosses, wild grasses and felled wood from California Forests, lichen, and dried reishi mushrooms.

Oasia represents my need to bring natural magick and a sense of wonder to my city. Altars are made by every religion, sect, and government. From mandalas to monuments, the power of altars is omnipresent. The great thing about them is they are open territory for self programming. 

Read a great article from the Teafaerie about making sacred space for yourself here….

I like to make altars wherever I live and sometimes in nature, or places no one would expect. Creating an altar is a ritual that has fantastic potential for impact-full dramatic ritual. Copy another tradition or make a hybrid of a few. whatever makes you feel right, use that. Offering food on a plate to the spirit of your ancestors to awaken in you a particular power or strength may focus you enough to actually begin your adventure down a particular road.

IRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents: “Never be a stranger to yourself again”


Avatarism presents: “Never be a stranger to yourself again”

Avatarism is a game of conscious character creation on the real world platform. We play for what we want. We uplevel and surmount life’s obstacles with an adventurous heart and focused action. We love, teach, embody powerful archetypes, and uphold each other. We heal our wounds, practice good stewardship of the earth, and master incredible skills to serve humanity and ourselves.

Won’t someone save me?

After finding out that we are all alone in our skin and no one else is gonna save us. We get to give up looking, and become our own best friend on this epic journey. We get to build our best friend from the ground up using the best philosophical ideas and workable skill sets we can find. Then, when we attain even a little mastery, we erupt with gratitude for realizing that the happiness, confidence, and wisdom we possess was generated by ourselves, no one imposed it upon us, and no one can take it from us.

For people on the path of victory, there will be many twists and turns.

- Alexander Polinsky

People talk about power coming from money, success, or breeding but I ask you this….If you could walk into a room and be the most magnetizing, full of possibility, clear eyed, focused mind, brightest damn creature there, What couldn’t you do? That is it!  You could start a movement, rise to the top of an industry, have the connections you desire, all because your will was strong enough to craft yourself into a superhero, a leader, a victory-maker, A person that other people want to be. 

Power is not my goal. My goal is about impacting individuals. I want to help create a world where people make their own character. Where they feel free to drop their old programming, circular patterns, unworkable modes of thinking, way of speaking, style of dress, way of walking, eating habits ANYTHING AT ALL THAT IS NOT SERVING YOU FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD, and create a new character. You will retain your body of course, but you might see it change. Avatarism is known to create body awareness and body health as a result. The desire to hone our humanity is universal, everyone is whole, perfect and ready for more, every soul can uplevel, and uphold. 

Avatarism is about building your character with passion. 

I realize that some of the people around you,

may hate you

misunderstand you.

or resent you for being the sparkliest thing in the room.

They try to troll you into submission with gossip, sarcasm, and other kinds of black magic.

Understand that the ones who oppose you for your brilliance are like scared little children who most likely cannot generate the same magnetism as you. They never learned to use seduction to get their way. Instead they play the game of force, manipulation, and deceit because it was what they were taught. Finding out that your programming is flawed or even degenerate, wo……that’s a big one Bob! Hats and wigs off to the one who wakes up, and changes everything for their highest good. That is heroic.

Avatarism coaching could be the thing that wakes you up and starts you off in that whole new direction. New ways of thinking and absorbing information become clear thru training. New pathways in the brain form as we grapple with possible identity additions or subtractions. Mylan, the frilly connective tissue in the brain is produced in the human at all stages of development. At no time in your life do you stop being able to grow new brain cells. This is key to understanding how Avatarism works so well.


I have seen the most interesting changes in people as a result of this work. Attitudes change, life’s work discovered, passion rekindled, and confidence sparked. From the smallest habit like biting your nails or a facial tic to the most troubling like self hatred or violence. Embodying, upleveling, and upholding brings people to center. It makes you the conductor of the symphony that is your life. You feel more and more in touch and in tune with your own unique and powerful vibration. 

You will never be a stranger to yourself again,

if you play this game,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents: “Avatarism Basics”


Avatarism presents: “Avatarism Basics”


Heres what Workshop participants are saying;


I just wanted to say that seriously, your workshop was simply amazing. The feedback and the way you worked with the group was just awesome and the whole session was just inspiring! I’m going to head out and be “a warrior”.”-J.S.

Avatarism Basics introduces you to all of Avatarism’s powerful lessons in just 8 hours in one day, or you may choose to do the course over two days if your schedule requires.  Each session is two hours long and there are four sessions in total. Avatarism Basics shows you how to consciously create your character on the real world platform so you can begin feeling immediately more powerful, more confident, and more able to uplevel in your life. In the basics, you will learn how to alter your brain’s old and degenrate programs for good and begin crafting new ones that are more appropriate to your current goals. You will understand the game of Avatarism, and how it can help you, your friends, and your family. You will feel free to begin to create the adventure of your life.  Topics covered in the Avatarism Basics Program include: 
Avatarism Basics section 1

  • Overview/history 
  • Degenerate Programs
  • Conscious character creation
  • Upleveling 
  • lessons in embodiment
  • Who are you being and why should they care?

Avatarism Basics section 2

  • Avatarism skills
  • The basics of skill collecting
  • Visualizations (closed eye)
  • The field of battle
  • You are bigger/ you are smaller
  • Avatarism postures
  • Avatar Character sheet

Avatarism Basics section 3

  • Character in action
  • Fermenting culture and community
  • You are the hero
  • Honing skill
  • Emotion parade (for groups of 6 or more)
  • Mirror exercise
  • Your character plan

Avatarism Basics section 4

  • The path to victory
  • Avatar Affirmation
  • Hot choices
  • You can’t fake a phenomenon
  • Renaming and affirming
  • Upholding
  • Community

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents, “It’s easy.”


Avatarism presents, “It’s easy.”

We are creating a game.

We are going to use it to heal human beings and make them more effective at living an awesome life. 

The game is Avatarism.

It’s a game where we act think and react differently than we did before and observe the effects.

We come to know who we really are because we create our character, piece by piece from the best elements available to us now.

We put the old, sad, tired, angry, unmotivated, unlovable, stuck character into deep storage in less time than it takes to blink.

We decide that it is so.

Then turn on a dime, and begin to do things from the perspective of the highest vision we have for ourselves. 

Who says you cant?

That’s a lie.

I say, 

it’s easy

and when you realize it’s easy……

Watch out,

things are gonna get really exciting.


Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold



Avatarism presents: “What is Avatarism?”


Avatarism presents: “What is Avatarism?”

Avatarism presents, “What is Avatarism?” 

“Avatarism lets us all wipe the slate clean and start over as the incredible people that we want to be” -Recent workshop participant.

What is Avatarism?

Created by Alexander Polinsky, Avatarism is an exciting, creative, and spiritual process, where you learn to to transform yourself from what you have been into what you want to become. Based on science, ancient teachings, Jungian psychology, neurolinguistic programming, ritual theatre, and modern technologic culture, Avatarism is an easy, fun, and powerful way to permanently change the quality of your character, heal yourself, and find completely new ways of being.

Avatarism is effective because it helps you learn about and transform the quality of your own character. Avatarism uses impact-oriented games and direct experiential processes to help you to change the most painful or unworkable aspects of your life and craft your own personality based on choice and free will.

Avatarism is a workable technology for creating the “you” that you always knew you wanted to be but did not know how to achieve. 

With Avatarism, you will learn that you are perfect, whole, and ready for more. We help you target that “you” and begin the adventure of building the “future you” on the real world platform.  In Avatarism, we call this phenomena “Up-Leveling,” or the act of taking on new skills and characteristics that improve the quality of life and make us more able and magnetic than we were before.

Avatarism shows you how to transform yourself very rapidly. You will learn how to take on new skills and embody new archetypes while preserving all the wonderful qualities you already possess. The ability to change yourself is ultimate freedom. As you learn the game of Avatarism, states of happiness, peace, and bliss will be available to you at will. 

The only constant in life is change, and through Avatarism we can become an expert at the change game. 

Avatarism works by helping you experience other archetypes and skill sets that you may not have allowed yourself access to because of your past programming or social constraints. These “programs” that your brain is running may not have been wholly chosen by you, but were forced upon you by parents and your environment before you even knew what choice was.

These old and degenerate programs block you from direct access to your highest vision of yourself and, if unchecked, will direct you back again and again to those places and actions that cause you pain. Avatarism puts you in service of yourself, as your own best friend or avdocate. In Avatarism’s experiential games, we alter old patterns and create new and engaging ones to take us into states of infinite confidence, ultimate mastery, and unbridled happiness. So, don’t be hard on yourself for having some problems in life, you can do something about it!

As a  student of Avatarism, you will learn to embody characteristics of power, confidence, magnetism, mastery, grace, eloquence, compassion, nurturing, and even superhero-like qualities, including heroism, strength, valor, and excellence. 

The way to up-level is not to lament about past failures, emotions, and stories, but to tap into the embodiment of the things we DO want and sail true in this new direction.

Avatarism is something we have all already been doing in some way through books, movies, hero worship, collecting skills over a lifetime, or at halloween when we transform into a completely new character and realize the freedom that it brings. The Avatarism teachings will allow you to embody these characteristics and skills constantly, especially when the going gets tough and when old programs threaten to “take over for your own good.”

Avatarism may be the most fun game you will ever play because the result is your true personhood, being fully awakened, and having access to immense pleasure in your lifetime.

The ways in which we can embody our highest vision for ourselves are infinite, but there are a few basic skills in Avatarism that help you form the framework of your practice. 

These are the 7 attributes of Avatarism:

1. Conscious character creation

2. Embodiment 

3. Skill Collecting

4. Mastery

5. Upleveling

6. Upholding

7. Fermenting culture and community 

Being adept at the game of Avatarism is one powerful way to gain freedom, personal magnetism, and make your life more blissful, and full of discovery.

It is impossible to effectively learn Avatarism from this blog or a book; it requires “darshan”. Darshan is the Sanskrit term for “an event in consciousness where a powerful exchange occurs between student and teacher.” Taking the lessons from someone who is adept and skilled in the practice is the only way to properly receive the teaching. 

The Aim of Avatarism is to inspire and assist you on your journey. 

Avatarism is taught in 5 different ways. No matter which one you choose, you will gain the skills that are required to practice Avatarism with confidence forever.

Avatarism Basics Training- 1 day program

Avatarism Uplevel Training- 2 day program

Avatarism Upholding Training (for couples)- A 3 day program for learning Avatarism and discovering the true character of the person you fell in love with.

Avatarism Upholding Training (for families)- A 3 day program for learning Avatarism and discovering the true character of your loved ones. 

Avatarism Adept Training- A week long program for people who want the deepest understanding of all the skills of Avatarism.

Coaching is available by phone, Skype, or in person, anywhere in the world.

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to:

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:

#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

#Embody #Uplevel #Uphold

